Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long are shipping times?

We will process your order within 1 to 4 days. You will receive a notification email with tracking information when the order has shipped. It will take 6 to 10 days for your package to arrive.


  1. What is your returns policy?

You have 14 days after receiving your order to request a return. To start a return, please contact us at Once we acknowledge your return, we’ll assist you further to complete your return. Returns are free - we will refund your order and reimburse return shipping costs.

Please note this excludes earrings due to hygiene reasons.

For more information, visit our Refund Policy.


  1. Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order by contacting us at within 1 hour of placing your order. If you place an order outside our office hours or get in touch too late, we’ll assist you with a return and refund.

  1. What happens if I receive the wrong item?

If there’s an issue with your item -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or damaged -- then simply notify us, send along a picture, and we’ll give you a full refund. We won’t ask you to ship the wrong product back to us.

  1. Do you offer exchanges?

We do not offer exchanges. However, you can return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, you can make a separate purchase for the new item.